
m3aggregator is a distributed system written in Go. It does streaming aggregation of ingested time series data before persisting it in m3db. The goal is to reduce the volume of time series data stored (especially for longer retentions), which is achieved by reducing its cardinality and/or datapoint resolution.

m3aggregator is sharded for horizontal scalability and replicated (leader/ follower modes) for high availability.

The data processed is mapped to a predefined number of shards, depending on hash of time series id. Every node of m3aggregator is responsible for a single shardset which contains one or more shards assigned to it. The assignment of shards to the shardsets, and shardsets to individual nodes is part of the m3aggregator placement which is stored in etcd as a binary protobuf struct.

The communication protocol used by m3aggregator is m3msg. m3aggregator receives the input data from m3coordinator. See Flushing for how the aggregator outputs the aggregated data (also for the inter-node communication).